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Category: Kitox
I wish You a merry Solstice and happy New 2019 Year!
(setvar “cmdecho” 0)
(setq r 0 x -1 y -1 z 1 c 0)
(vl-cmdf “_.shademode” “_flat”)
(vl-cmdf “_.vpoint” “-0.75,-2,0.35”)
(repeat 252
(vl-cmdf “” (list x y (setq z (- z 5)))
(setq r (1+ (* 1.05 r)))
(vl-cmdf “_.region” (entlast) “”)
(vl-cmdf “_.change” (entlast) “” “_properties” “_color” (setq c (1+ c)) “”)
(vl-cmdf “_.zoom” “_extents”)
(repeat 85
(vl-cmdf “_.zoom” “_scale” 1.1)
(setq sapi (vlax-create-object “Sapi.SpVoice”))
(vlax-invoke sapi “Speak” “I wish You a merry Solstice and happy New 2019 Year!” 0)
(vlax-release-object sapi)
(princ “Load for more fun”)
Solidify TIN function updated
Now it is possible to solidify TIN “up-to a Level” in addition to “down-to a Level” which was implemented in previous version. “Up-to a Level is usable to calculate a volume which is required to fill-in. Download