Back to hobby after 33 years
The very first model completed. I'm back on board.
So much has changed since I last touched scissors and glue - the plethora of books and drawings, modelling kits, tools, glues, paper and printing quality, laser cut parts, CAD and 3d printing. So, I'm a newbie again, only with the knowledge of initial mistakes and remembering of terrible silicate glue smell and taste from the early 90-ties.
My desire is to build sailship models from scratch, but to stretch my fingers now, I decided to start again with kits. At the moment I'm interested in learning and comparing the technologies from different publishers - how the design is done, what the printing quality is, and what the assembly technology is. And what interests me the most is how different authors create hulls and do planking.
I ordered several kits from Polish, Ukrainian and Lithuanian publishers, and if available - complete kits with accessories and laser cut parts. All in 1:100, 30-40 cm in length range and mid-level complexity. However, not all of them interest me in their story and construction, so I certainly don't plan to finish all of them. I just want to research to understand what is on the market now and what I want to do next with this beauty. So here is my playground 🙂